88 broklyn golden street. New York

88 broklyn golden street. New York
Mon - Sat 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
To provide safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible waste handling services, focusing on the collection, incineration, and disposal of hazardous and ...
To become Pakistan’s leading waste management company, recognized for innovation, reliability, and environmental stewardship.We envision a waste-free future where all ...
Waste Guard Pakistan started working in Punjab Provision Five Years Ago, So Waste Guard Pakistan-Lahore has experienced the safe and efficient disposal of industrial Hazardous & Non-Hazardous wastes. We were founded in 2020 and then started providing services in Lahore and Punjab. Waste Guard Pakistan is a Health Services Company specializing in reducing Environmental and Health Risks. Punjab’s EPD (Environment Protection Department) was approved as a Waste Handling Agency Company. Waste Guard Pakistan strictly follows EPD rules & regulations because of that we work for everyone. Because of our expertise, we work with companies in a wide array of industries. Industries such as manufacturing, and retail to improve employee and customer safety. We also ensure regulatory compliance safely dispose of hazardous materials, and manage corporate and personal risks.
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Safe disposal of medical and laboratory waste.
Safe collection, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste.
Tailored waste management for manufacturing and industrial sectors.
Reuse and recycling of materials like paper, plastic, and metal.
Solutions for Hotel & Municipalities Vivamus semper quam non gravida vulputate. Nullam dapibus erat ac ...
Solutions for Stadium & Event Donec tortor elit, dignissim eget mie efficitur finibus. alteration in ...
Clinical Garbage disposal Proin ullamcorper congue sapien, non condimentum sodales alteration in some form. Donec ...
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+1-(246) 333-0089Duis vel mi id sit amet nsectetur cing elituspe ndisse suscipit sagitis leo sit.